Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Waterway Marble Drop

For this project me and Bailey created the theme of water park through this marble drop. This idea came through the funnel like in the picture on the left and how you would be funneled through it into other tubes. Having all the tubes leading into many different areas and tubes made it seem almost like an obstacle course inside the piece. One of the hardest things in this project was making sure everything would perfectly end up in the correct areas. It was also hard to have the marble to staying high so that it would be able to go around the piece. We used a pulley system to move the marble higher. First you insert the marble into any of the 4 tubes made out of PVC pipe. It would then fall into the funnel and go into the wire coil and onto the track. Then it would fall into the bucket and be pulled up by the wire until it hit the other wall. A pull of the string and the bucket would tip over into the black box, make its way onto another piece of PVC and then fall into the hole. If I could have changed one thing about this piece would have been to get a larger box so that we could have fit more things into it. I am very proud of the funnel idea and the pulley system.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Imaginary Wire

For the repetition project I went in the direction of repeating wire boxes and putting them together to form a 3-D pyramid, a W, pretty anything you can imagine it can be. First I created multiple 3X3 inch boxes and tied them together using then wire. I formed them and moved the direction of it until I liked the view. I thinked the way I formed it to where the view can be changed to where it can look like anything your mind desires. If I could change one thing I would change the perfection of how straight and sturdy the wire would be.

Thursday, January 2, 2014


For this project I leaned more to the pressure side of texture/pressure. To make this sculpture, I first drawled out how I wanted the body to be formed. I used wire to create a 2-D, flat version of the body. I also created the disk that he catching in is his left hand. Next I wrapped him in newspaper and tapped it up all around the body. I covered it in a thick layer of tape and painted it. I think a great thing I did for this work is the picture I took because he is a man diving to catch a frisbee and he is in the air diving. I think that shows a good representation of his action. If I did one more thing, I probably would have made his body more proportional.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Devil's Island

This clay piece is a sunken relief slab piece. Sunken relief is when you roll out a piece of clay and carve into it making it look sunken. I had sunken and carved out the water areas in the piece to make the sunken effect. First I sketched out my idea on a large piece of paper until it was perfect. I then folded it in 4 equal squares and cut it out. After that I rolled out 4 slabs and placed the papers on the clay. I moved the marks from the paper to the clay then carved out the water. Then it was time to fire the clay for the first time. After firing it, I painted it with glaze and fired it again. I am very proud of the design of the island and how the top left looks like a devil island design. This was a very fun yet time consuming project that I really enjoyed.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Safe Keeping Safe

I created this safe with white clay, hard work, and dedication. I had to create 6 equal slabs of clay and put them together with slip and scoring. after I put them together I created the key for the safe to get into it. It has a combination lock to get into it. I created a slit on the top that you can put money in to save up your money. Once I got it all fit together perfectly and let it dry I fired it. After the first fire I sanded the edges and painted it with glaze to make it shiny and look good. I painted multiple layers on it and fired it again. After the final firing I took a picture of it and used photoshop to put on the final touches. This bank will help me save my money to buy a car and other things. (The code is....3458)

Fishy Fish

This adventurous fish escaped form his habitat of the fish bowl and is searching the art room.
I created this clever fish but scoring and slipping two pinch pots together and using other clay to create the eyes fins and other accessories. I painted the fish after firing it and then photoshopped some parts to finalize the fish. This creature is now set to discover the world...until he needs to breather again.

Art Article II

Kyle Davis
October 24, 2013
Pottery and Sculpture 
Art Article

            Recently an old painting, painted by the artist Vincent Van Gogh, has been found in the attic of a Norwegian family that has been sitting in that attic for over 100 years. The old painting is called Sunset at Montmajour and shows the beautiful pastures and sunset of the countryside. They have found that Van Gogh talked about the landscape painting in a paper he wrote. Historians and artists thought he was talking about his famous painting, “The Rocks” in those papers because the two paintings are very alike in the usage of the colors green, blue, and yellow, but also in the way he describes the paintings. “A shower of gold” is how Van Gogh talks about his Sunset painting, but all the researchers thought he was talking about “The Rocks” because it also depicts the colors of a sunset. Another big reason they were mixed up is because of the alike brush strokes in the paintings. He paints rough strokes and doesn't hide his strokes, but embraces them. Many paintings can be determined as his painting by the very specific characteristics of his paintings. This beautiful painting of tress and the pasture was shown in a museum in Dutch City where many people saw this once in a lifetime painting. Many wonder if any other secret paintings are being held anywhere else in the world, none will ever know how many paintings Van Gogh created and how many are known and being held in museums, but I think that makes every painting more special then the last.